Monday, December 13, 2010

december 13

today machimi and machidee took me to johors sultan palace museum. in there i saw fascinating antiques and exquisite furniture. the royal keris was there with the worlds most exquisite collection of malay hand weapons dating to early 1600's. also on display were the medals and gifts given by foreign emissaries, the gifts went from fancy practical items and brilliant statues. in the trophy room it was more than just metal cups and plaques, they had the large animals of the many sultans hunting exploits.

the massage today really limbered me up just one more visit tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. just a little correction. Johobahru is spelled Johor Bahru, a capital city for the state of Johor. Also Machi suppose to be spelled Makcik (which mean Auntie).
